• P/N: K1075 Each Wiseco piston is designed with the proper installed clearance to produce the most power, least wear, and best seal at running temperature, for each application. Compared to cast pistons, forgings are tougher and more durable, and will stand up to the abuse that high performance motorsport applications require. Kit Includes:
    • 4 Cylinder sleeves
    • 4 Pistons
    • 4 Ring sets
    • 4 Piston pins
    • 8 Circlips
    • Base gasket
    • Head gasket
    • Z1 900
    • KZ1000
  • Out of stock
    This kit is for 77-80 KZ1000A, but will also work on Z1R, KZ1000A LTD or Z1 900. Cylinder head has been fitted with brand new cylinder sleeves from Wiseco. Includes 1015 Kit from Wiseco, piston 1-4, all marked, pistons, rings, pins, and clips, as well as gaskets. This is a bolt-on kit, ready to go. No broken fins on the cylinder. Applications:
    • 77-80 KZ1000A
    • Z1R KZ1000A LTD
    • Z1 900.
  • This is a ready-to-go bolt-on kit, complete with Wiseco 1015 kit. Freshly-bored cylinder. A couple of minor blemishes as shown. Because of the small size of the blemish we didn't think it was necessary to fix it. This is the same setup we use on our restorations. Applications:
    • 74-75 Z1 900
    • 76-77 KZ900A
    • 76 KZ900B LTD
  • Out of stock
    Quality reproduction exhaust system P/N:  OSVP059 Applications:
    • 73-75 Z1 900
    • 76 KZ900
  • Out of stock
    This is a ready-to-go bolt-on kit, complete with Wiseco 1075 kit. Freshly-bored cylinder. No broken fins. This is the same setup we use on our restorations. Applications:
    • 76-77 KZ900
    • 77-80 KZ1000
    • 73-75 Z1 900
  • Out of stock
    Genuine Kawasaki Z1 900 903 cylinder has been heat-treated powder coated. Comes with complete 1015 kit from Wiseco. This year does not take the center O-ring that the 74-75 take. Each piston is marked their respective cylinders. No 2 pistons are alike. 70mm. We use these kits on all of our restorations. *Optional enhancement, if you would like we can file the black from the edges of the fins to appear as the originals came.
  • Out of stock

    1015 Kit

    Comes with complete 1015 kit from Wiseco. We use these kits on all of our restorations.  
  • KZT00AE 007422 Plug-in motor. Came out of a bike with 15,000 miles on it, which had been sitting a while. No broken fins. Vapor blast, polished aluminum covers, cam chain, clutch bearing, valve set, valve seals, piston ring, cam chain guide, case O-ring, front sprocket lock tab, alternator grommet, stator repair kit, oil level window, cam chain roller rubber, top roller rubber and pin, tachometer gear seal and O-ring, head cover bolt, exchange bolt and screw, cam cover plug, gasket set, Shim exchange and spark plugs. Will fit in Z1 900, 77-78 KZ1000. Very nice motor. Please contact us for details or for a shipping quote: 330-335-7365
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