This manual is designed primarily for use by motorcycle mechanics in a properly equipped shop, although it contains enough detail and basic information to make it useful to the motorcycle user who desires to carry out his own basic maintenance and repairs.

MANUAL P/N:  61GC402


All pages nice, clear, and legible; edges show some wear/dirt from use/handling/storage.  Cover/binding in place showing some wear/dirt from use/handling/storage.

Pages: 141

Print Date: 1984


  1. General Information
  2. Lubrication
  3. Maintenance
  4. Fuel System
  5. Engine Removal/Installation
  6. Cylinder Head/Cylinder/Piston
  7. ATAC
  8. Clutch/Kickstart/Shift Linkage
  9. Crankcase/Transmission/Crankshaft
  10. Cooling System
  11. Front Wheel/Brake/Suspension/Steering
  12. Rear Wheel/Brake/Suspension
  13. Subframe/Expansion Chamber
  14. Ignition System
  15. Troubleshooting

Models Covered:

  • 1985    CR80R